Do Parents Centre, um site pleno de recursos interessantes:

Behaviour and discipline

Discipline is a necessary part of both home and school life. Different parents will have different ways of ensuring their child behaves well – what works for one child may not work for another.

The ParentsCentre forum is the ideal place to glean ideas, advice and information from other parents and carers who have experienced – or are experiencing – the same issues as you. You’ll find a variety of different discussions in the forum, from the benefits of fish oils and positive parenting to ADHD, detention and moodiness.
Discipline at school is based on an agreement between the school and parents about what the expected behaviour of children should be. Below you’ll find information about how schools deal with issues such as bullying, drugs and alcohol, truancy and disruptive behaviour.

Behaviour and discipline in school

Maintaining order
Discipline is a necessary part of school life and good discipline is based on an agreement between the school and parents about what is expected of your child. Parents are always encouraged to work with the school to try and solve any problems that may arise.

There are specific legal requirements relating to the handling of:

  • school discipline in general
  • detention
  • racial and sexual harassment and bullying

Each school’s head teacher is responsible for promoting good behaviour and discipline. The head teacher must draw up the school’s discipline policy, using the governing body’s statement of general principles as a framework. By law, the head teacher must publicise the discipline policy. They may do this by making it known within the schools and to parents, and by bringing it to the attention of students, parents and staff at least once a year.

The policy should be regularly reviewed, taking into account the views of students, parents and staff. Essential elements are strategies to tackle bullying, racial and sexual harassment, and the school’s policy on detention. Overall, the policy should:

  • promote self-discipline and proper regard for authority among students
  • encourage good behaviour and respect for others
  • ensure students’ standard of behaviour is acceptable
  • regulate students’ conduct

E por lá não há grandes problemas em definir, de forma ampla, o bullying. Cá é que coiso e tal, somos munto sofisticados, pá! O conceito não se aplica e não sei quê, a menos que lhe chamemos boiando.